INDUSTRIES / Transport & logistics

MyAiP for Transports and Logistics

transport & logistics

Lead Generation

Collect data efficiently with an intelligent ChatBot
Use the dashboard integrated with your CRM to view data
Extract data in bulk and save it locally for processing
Plan your business strategy using trend indicators

transport & logistics

Sale of Products and Services

Integrate an advanced ChatBot into your channels that anticipates your users' needs
Accompanies customers in configuring products and services
Allow users to complete purchases in a few steps via a
link direct to the external payment page
Offer personalized support service available 24/7

transport & logistics

CV Screening with AI

Bulk analyze thousands of CVs in seconds
Rank CVs by the hard and soft skills you want to look for
Extracts data contextually using  semantic analysis
Extract candidates' salient informations by generating an unbiased ranking

transport & logistics

Help Desk Training

Intelligent ChatBot offers your employees personalized courses
Your employees retrieve from the ChatBot ll the course materials they attend
The entire course catalog can be accessed directly on the chat
Assistance via ChatBot is guaranteed at all times

Let's build some future.


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