use case

Help Desk Training

Use MyAiP Chat to help your employees manage corporate training comprehensively and efficiently.

Intelligent ChatBot offers your employees personalized courses
Your employees retrieve from the ChatBot ll the course materials they attend
The entire course catalog can be accessed directly on the chat
Assistance via ChatBot is guaranteed at all times

The Use Case

Roberto, Training Specialist in a corporate setting, is always looking for new methods of engaging the corporate population. His goal is to break down the barrier of access to training and make it as easy and intuitive as possible to find and use courses. MyAiP Chat is his ideal ally.
Find out how he leverages MyAiP Chat to meet the needs of employees.

step 1/5

MyAiP Chat centralizes and simplifies the user-experience.

The MyAiP Chat module can come installed in any digital workplace/intranet. If integrated, it can automatically recognize the logged-in user. It is still possible to login to MyAiP Chat with a learning matriculation number. MyAiP Chat remembers the user's habits and interests, and is always ready to accompany the user through the process of accessing training: from searching to gathering information, from troubleshooting to enrollment, MyAiP Chat centralizes and simplifies the user-experience.

STEP 2/5

A personalized experience.

The user lands on the training section. MyAiP Chat, based on his interaction habits, independently suggests to him the courses of potential interest. Not only that: it reminds him which mandatory courses are due and offers him the possibility to activate a search directly in Chat.

step 3/5

Be guided by the intelligent ChatBot.

The ChatBot offers the user several options: requesting information, retrieving documentation, and signing up.

STEP 4/5

Automated processes for a flawless experience.

Depending on the company's procedures and the user's role, MyAiP Chat may either collect the enrollment or send an email - containing the request ticket - to the relevant stakeholders: HR, managers, Training Department, ...

step 5/5

Materials always within reach of ChatBot.

Once the user has attended the course, he or she can retrieve all available study materials via chat. In fact, the module provides access to various files in ppt, doc, pdf and video formats.


How can MyAiP Chat help you?

It is based on the vocabulary and syntax 
of the Italian language
and is also available in an English version.

It can be integrated with major text messaging services, such as Facebook Messenger, Telegram, WhatsApp, Skype, Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa.

It leverages a Training Center consisting of humanists and psychologists, which ensures constant optimization of Machine Learning processes.

Provides a personalized and contextualized Customer Experience
by learning the context and memorizing conversations.

Sends Push notifications to specific user segments, moving from broadcast communication extended to all to highly profiled communication.

It allows performance to be monitored through a Dashboard both in terms of quantity, monitoring the number of chats, and in terms of topics, with KPIs that can be configured according to user requests.

MyAiP Chat is an artificial intelligence capable of interacting textually, just like a human, with users and customers.
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