MyAiPHybrid AI

The best of Symbolic AI and
Generative AI combined in a unique platform
in the market.

MyAiP's Hybrid AI  consists of an innovative approach that combines Symbolic AI and Generative AI to leverage the strengths of both while overcoming their limitations.

Symbolic AI

It is based on predefined and transparent rules. Therefore, it is always consistent and checks every response.

Symbolic AI

It is based on predefined and transparent rules. Therefore, it is always consistent and checks every response.

Generative AI

It creates original data based on what was learned in training.
Generative models produce entirely new content and elements such as complex responses, suggestions, and graphs. Generative AI can go so far as to produce real-time text, images, videos, sounds, ...

Generative AI

It creates original data based on what was learned in training.
Generative models produce entirely new content and elements such as complex responses, suggestions, and graphs. Generative AI can go so far as to produce real-time text, images, videos, sounds, ...

a unique platform

Symbolic AI
+ Generative AI
= MyAiP Hybrid AI Platform

MyAiP's Hybrid AI platform leverages a multi-layer approach to ensure security and efficiency in data management. Sensitive data and standardized procedures reside on the internal layer, managed by the symbolic component: this ensures total security for user and corporate data. On the outer layer , on theother hand, operates the generative AI component, which analyzes and interprets large volumes of public information, offering answers and insights without compromising the security of sensitive data.

This distinct layer structure enables MyAiP to effectively combine the best user experience, security and efficiency.

 from MyAiP

combined efficiency and control

Discover the benefits


Hybrid AI

 from MyAiP

 from MyAiP

 from MyAiP

Reliability and Aadvanced Understanding through a combination of symbolic and generative techniques.

Secure management of proprietary data, protecting the sensitive information of users and companies.

Environmental sustainability by optimizing the use of computational resources, reducing energy consumption and costs.

Scalable and Modular AI Platform designed to evolve and integrate with enterprise systems, ensuring a flexible and future-proof solution.

Let's build some future.


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