MyAiP Skills: Optimizes Succession Management and Personnel Management

A powerful solution for optimizing staff turnover and enhancing internal expertise.

Staff turnover is a reality that all companies are confronted with at one time or another. While it represents an opportunity for renewal and growth, it can also present significant challenges in managing skills and planning for the future of one's team. With this in mind, MyAiP Skills presents itself as an ideal ally for effective management of staff turnover.

MyAiP Skills is a powerful software program that provides a complete and immediate picture of the skills and competencies of corporate employees, allowing you to identify the best skills for any internal position.  

Rapid analysis of employee skills

One of the main challenges in managing staff turnover is quickly understanding the skills of new employees and how they will fit into the organization. MyAiP Skills makes this process quick and efficient by analyzing the skills present but also those that will be acquired by employees in the near future, all within minutes. This means that when new professionals join the company, they can be assigned roles in line with their skills, reducing adaptation time and maximizing productivity.

Unified Employee Card

MyAiP Skills collects employees' salient information into a single "employee card." This unified card contains details such as: skills, experience, training, and other important data about the individual professional. By having access to this information in a quick and structured way, managers can make targeted decisions about staff turnover, ensuring that new team members are well placed from day one.

Talent Objective Ranking

Another crucial element in succession management is identifying the most promising internal talent. MyAiP Skills generates an objective ranking of internal talent based on key research. This helps HR leaders and managers quickly identify employees with the potential for advancement or leadership positions, ensuring a smooth transition in the event of turnover.

MyAiP Skills is not just a tool for the human resources department; it is suitable for all Business Areas, including the employees themselves who can view their profiles, make changes or corrections, add notes, and access relevant documents. In this way, all company stakeholders actively collaborate during the turnover process.

With its ability to intelligently analyze, store and evaluate employee data, this software offers a competitive advantage in ensuring a smooth transition and continued growth of the organization.  

MyAiP Skills: Optimize Succession Management and enhance internal skills to effectively manage staff turnover.

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